...is basically what the husband said to me a couple of weeks ago. I believe it was a Thursday when he told me that he was whisking me away for an overnight on Sunday. He wouldn't spill the details. All he would give me was that I needed to dress casually on Sunday, wearing shoes I can walk in (this was of great importance, as I have a serious love of heels) and bring something fancier for dinner. He also said we were going someplace near water, which, being in upstate NY could've meant a number of places. "Oh, and don't worry about work the next day because I called your boss and said you'd be late." Too bad he can't do that everyday ;)
Anyway. Sunday rolls around and off we go. We start heading north and ideas start popping into my head. First stop:
The Chocolate Mill in Glens Falls for brunch.
Let's stop right here for a moment, shall we? See this picture below?
Does. Not. Do. Justice. to the deliciousness that were these apple-filled "pancakes". I also had the most perfect white hot chocolate. Where's the picture? Nope, didn't get one... I was far too busy guzzling it to stop and snap a pic. And aside from the fantastic meals this place offers, they make gourmet chocolates, selling for something ridiculous like $35/lb. We bought some anyway.
So now that we've got full bellies we can continue our journey north.
Per usual, I'm babbling away in the car... something about wanting to go to the outlet mall in St. Louis on my trip the following week when (I kid you not) we pull into the Adirondack Outlet Mall. I must be psychic.
And can I tell you? My husband is way too generous. Not that I'm complaining. What girl wouldn't want these beautiful Kenneth Cole boots purchased for her? That's right, no one. And if there is someone who would turn them down, pick up a size 8.5 and send them to me. Please and thanks.

I was also the lucky recipient of a new Coach wallet, a pair of skanky-sexy knee-high ivory Nine West boots and a few new articles of clothing from Banana Republic. Love.
What about my poor (now in the literal and figurative sense) husband? No worries, he left with some new boxer shorts. That's enough to keep any man happy, right?
Continuing north, I now have a damn good idea of where we're headed and I am SO glad I was right.
Behold the gorgeous
Sagamore Resort on Lake George.

Doesn't it remind you of kind of a cross between the resort from Dirty Dancing and the hotel from The Shining? Love it.
After checking into our deluxe king room with lake views,

we had a drink at a quite cliched bar in the resort. Definitely wouldn't know we're in the Adirondacks, would ya? ;)

From there, we went outside to walk the grounds and enjoy the beautiful early fall weather.

Then we stopped on the veranda for another drink. Sensing a theme yet? While seated, we even got to watch a wedding take place. See all the little people behind me? Wedding guests.

After the latest round of drinks, we retired to our room to rest up and change before more drinks. I mean dinner. Well, in actuality it was bottle after bottle of wine with a cocktail or two thrown in, served with a side of dinner ;)

What can I say? It was vacation!
And it was fabulous :)

The chocolate mill looks like my kind of place! I'll have to check it out sometime!
Thanks for your comment on my latest post BTW! Chris and I have been dying to try the DP. Any recommendations on dishes with local ingredients or good local wines there?? thanks!!
Ooh yay! I hope you get to dp soon to try it. He uses a lot of local ingredients... we go to the farmer's market in Troy every Saturday to stock up. The wine list is always changing, but according to the husband himself, he has a good selection of local beer right now.
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