I've been terrible with the posts lately. I have quite a few things I'd like to ramble on about but truly just haven't felt like it. There have been far more important things to keep me occupied lately.
Like eating.

Apparently Miles gave daddy "money" for Mother's Day to buy me something. Not Bella and Miles. Just Miles. According to daddy, Bella is a bad little girl and didn't think I should get a Mother's Day gift. He's funny, isn't he? Hopefully he doesn't play games like this when we have actual children ;)
Anyway, "Miles" gave me a shiny box of Jelly Belly jellybeans. MY. FAV. Pick a night from the past week. Any night. I can guarantee you would've found me on my couch in my fun (i.e. stretchy) pants with the box of Jelly Bellys next to me and the computer open on my lap looking up Jelly Belly recipes. Yes, I am a dork. But did you know that if you combine a Chocolate Pudding JB and a Very Cherry JB is tastes JUST like a chocolate covered cherry??? I found it more than amusing to try different combos until I wanted to explode.
I've also been a little more than busy with work lately.
Good excuse for the lack of posting, right? At least I'm doing something productive and making money, right? Eh.
Work gets in the way of everything fun. I'd really prefer to win the lottery.
So. Posting.
Like I said earlier, I do have quite a few things to tickle your brain with. Let's see how many I can get through in the next two weeks. Who wants to set the over-under?
A little preview...
1. The brother's wedding
2. Lots of home improvements
3. The countdown to my first ever road race. i.e. the day I might possibly die.
4. A new recipe or two
Please don't hold your breath for these posts. I wouldn't want to be held responsible for your demise.
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