I'm having trouble remembering why I thought it would be a good idea to sign up for the Turkey Trot. Stupidity, perhaps? My husband will whole-heartedly second that sentement. Dragging him out of bed at the crack of dawn (well, 8am) to stand outside in the frigid cold was not in anyone's best interest.
We were all a little cranky this particular Thanksgiving morning. Hangovers, sub-freezing temperatures and relentless crowds will do that to you. But on we went.
Sis and me trying to stay warm, pre-race.
Where's Waldo? Oh, there she is in the middle trying not to freeze her face off.
We look happy, don't we? That's because our mouths are frozen in that position.
I kid. Kind of. The race was (semi) fun but OMG was it cold. My toes were literally numb for the first half of the race. I didn't actually ever truly warm up. And do you know how hard it is to run when you're sucking in cold air?
One more complaint. WAY too many people. There was something like a total of 7,000 people running. Most of whom ran the 5K with me. I can't tell you how many 7 years old I came thisclose to running down. I ended up running the majority of the race on the side of the road.
When I signed up for the Trot, I had silly visions of live turkeys kicking off the race. You know, running down the road for all of us to chase. How fun would that be? (Do you ever wonder where my mind is? I do.)
Alas, there were none of these at this so-called "turkey" trot.
But we did have one of these!
There are no pictures of me running this race because I got totally disoriented toward the end and didn't know which side of the road husband would be on. I apparently ran right by him, unnoticed.
My goal for the race was to simply finish under 30 minutes. I ran with the group in the beginning, at a pace significantly slower than my usual. I picked it up around the mile and a half mark, hoping to make up time. I never really hit a good pace because of how crowded it was. I was so surprised that the road never opened up. I was constantly maneuvering myself around people. But even with all of the elements working against me, I managed to finish at a respectable 29:17. Nowhere close to my PR but I was satisfied.
And freezing.
So can anyone tell me why we decided to go for a post-race ice-cold beer?
Stupidity, perhaps? haha

1 comment:
I would definitely be amused if a bunch of turkeys kicked off turkey trot races!
I heard the Troy race was super crowded! My father and I ran the one in Saratoga and it was smaller but still reallly crowded. Way to get it done!
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