I'm having a problem keeping up with my workout routine. Boot camp ended the week before Christmas and I'm embarrassed to admit that I've only worked out twice since. Ugh.
Granted, the holidays definitely got in the way. It's kinda hard to find time to workout when you're running yourself ragged shopping, cooking, decorating, baking, cleaning, entertaining, etc.
"But Carolyn, why don't you just get up at the ass-crack of dawn like you're used to and go to the gym before starting your day? What's that? Oh. Right." WINTER MAKES ME LAZY.
Here's the problem. I despise the gym. And avoid it at all costs. Running on a treadmill is about as fun as being punched in the face. Or so I imagine, as I've never been punched in the face.
I really tried to pry my butt off the couch last night but failed miserably. I even found myself doing laundry to distract myself. And laundry is seriously my least favorite chore. Alas, laundry beat out going to the gym. Things must be pretty bad.
I really, truly just want to go outside for a run, dammit!! That's what makes me happy. That's what I enjoy. What I do not enjoy, however, is cold weather. (But I love snow. Figure that one out.) I'm not a fan of freezing my face off for the first 10 minutes of a run only to find myself sweating, wishing I hadn't worn so many layers.
And it's dark pretty much all the time now. And my neighborhood has no street lights. And lots of traffic. This does not bode well for a relaxing run. 'Cause you know, I'd prefer not to be run down by the speeding teenagers on my street.
And yes, I've considered purchasing appropriate cold weather running gear. But I'm cheap. If I'm gonna spend money on clothing, I want it to be cute clothing that I can wear out. Not semi-attractive spandex-type stuff that I can't wear for anything but running.
Ah, complaining. I'm pretty good at it, no?
Moving on. I think the plan will be to give myself a break through the end of the year and then jump back into my routine. Boot camp starts on January 18th and I bought a spin class membership. I can tell you with 100% certainty that I will NOT be at the gym in January though... need to give all those resolution-makers out there a chance to lose motivation.

1 comment:
I agree- the treadmill is the worst. I only use it if it is dark out and I'm running alone. I have been running outside, only because I have spent a fortune on cold gear (seriously). If anything, making the purchase motivates you to get out there and gt your money's worth!
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