Much to Bella's joy, my parents drove in from the 'lou for a Thanksgiving-week visit.
Much to Bella's dismay, they were here to see me and the husband. Not her. Ok, maybe her too.
And Miles. Poor, tortured Miles, looking completely dejected in his sweater.
Being the nice dog parents we are, we let him take it off. So he could kill it.
Then we started the week off on the right foot with a Pre-Thanksgiving feast. Italian-style. 'Cause, you know, everyone needs a 3,000 calorie meal four days before a 5,000 calorie Thanksgiving dinner, right?
And then we had cake. Yes, we are those dorks who adhere to the old "let's keep the top-tier of wedding cake in our freezer for an entire year and eat it at our first anniversary!" tradition.
Now obviously we missed our anniversary. But look at the size of that cake people! There was no way we were going to eat that without some help. Or without subjecting loved ones to freezer-burned buttercream.
In actuality, the cake wasn't that bad. The frosting was a bit chalky but the cake and filling tasted just like they did at our wedding. Or so I'm told. I didn't get cake at our wedding. Not sure how that happened.
The week of my parents visit was, per-usual, jam-packed with fun things to do. What's a vacation if you actually get to relax, right?
First up was a New York State Restaurant Association dinner honoring my wonderfully-talented father-in-law, Chef Yono, for the Faces of Diversity award he received earlier this year from the National Restaurant Association.
Here we are looking pretty.
And here we are in the limo we surprised my parents with.
Remember this? Because of that, we rode in style for the evening. For free. Suck on that, Unnamed Transportation Company.
We look happy, no? Doesn't mean you're off the hook for last year's debacle.
More highlights of the visit:
Lunch with the Plue-family patriarch, Great Uncle Art.
Lunch with my dad's fourth grade teacher, Shirley, who is now basically a member of the family.
Mom drinking a Sweet Carolyn at dp. Named for me, duh. Mom loves martinis at dp. I love watching Mom drink martinis at dp. Tipsy Mom is hilarious.
Aren't we precious? Please ignore the fact that my shoulders are up to my ears. I always forget that this is NOT a flattering way be photographed.
Mom and me, post 5,000 calorie Thanksgiving dinner. If only I hadn't been so preoccupied with stuffing my face then I would've gotten a shot of the dinner table over-flowing with food so good that I ate leftovers for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner the next day.
Don't you just love food Thanksgiving?

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