This post is brought to you by the oompa-loompa in the office next to mine. Not her, per se, but her outfit.
Warning: This is a total rant. Feel free to take offense and yell at me through your comments. But since no one comments on my half-assed blog (sigh...) I'm not afraid.
Let's get to it.
I take issue with leggings. BFF will tell you that I constantly gave her shit (in a BFF sort of loving way, mind you) for wearing them for oh, about a year. I truly thought they should only be worn by the highschool crowd. I mean, it's practically turned into a teenager's uniform. Leggings and Uggs, leggings and Uggs, leggings and Uggs. Do they not have any creativity? When I was that age, I was doing my best to against the "norm" and opted for a grunge turn hippie wardrobe. (I was SO cool.) At least only like a quarter of my peers dressed like me. Seriously, go to a mall and count how many little lemmings you see walking around in leggings. It's scary.
Anyway, I finally broke down this past fall and bought a pair. Let's pause for a collective gasp...
And... even bigger gasp... I wish-I-could-wear-them-everyday-type-LOVE them. But in my defense, I'm not obese. Or even overweight, really. (Thank you stomach flu for eliminating my larger than life muffin top).
Warning: This is a total rant. Feel free to take offense and yell at me through your comments. But since no one comments on my half-assed blog (sigh...) I'm not afraid.
Let's get to it.
I take issue with leggings. BFF will tell you that I constantly gave her shit (in a BFF sort of loving way, mind you) for wearing them for oh, about a year. I truly thought they should only be worn by the highschool crowd. I mean, it's practically turned into a teenager's uniform. Leggings and Uggs, leggings and Uggs, leggings and Uggs. Do they not have any creativity? When I was that age, I was doing my best to against the "norm" and opted for a grunge turn hippie wardrobe. (I was SO cool.) At least only like a quarter of my peers dressed like me. Seriously, go to a mall and count how many little lemmings you see walking around in leggings. It's scary.
Anyway, I finally broke down this past fall and bought a pair. Let's pause for a collective gasp...
And... even bigger gasp... I wish-I-could-wear-them-everyday-type-LOVE them. But in my defense, I'm not obese. Or even overweight, really. (Thank you stomach flu for eliminating my larger than life muffin top).
So. I like to think that when I wear them with boots or heels and a long, flowy top, I make them look good. (But let's get serious, I make everything look good. Or at least that's what The Husband tells me. Maybe I should get a second or third opinion...)
Now that I've decided that I don't have a problem wearing leggings, let's discuss my issue with others wearing them. Anorexic teenagers aside.
Back to the oompa-loompa (who is probably the nicest lady ever but desperately in need of a Stacy and Clinton wardrobe overhaul). I walked out of my office today to use the disgusting shared restroom only to find myself behind this poor woman. To her credit, she had shockingly thin legs. I could tell, because she was wearing, um, leggings. Duh. And Uggs. Ugh. That's another post/rant entirely.
Where the outfit failed miserably was the top. 1. Its was WAY too short. I could see waistband, people. 2. It was some sort of fuzzy sweater material in purple and white horizontal stripes. Eek.
Hence, the oompa-loompa effect.

Exhibit B: Not the lady from down the hall. But close. And not cute.
I'll stop bashing this poor, unsuspecting lady now. But it's not just her. I've seen it everywhere. And again, nothing against our larger-sized counterparts, I just really wish somebody would tell them that just because it's trendy doesn't mean they have to wear it! And no, I won't take that responsibility on. I'll bitch about anything in the privacy of my public-to-the-entire-world blog, but saying it to someone's face is a completely different story. I'd rather not get bitch-slapped. I like my face the way it is.
Now off to find a pair of jeggings.
I knew that I would suck you into liking leggings, and yes, you do where them well. As far as that woman goes, eww!! If you are looking for decent looking jeggings, check out Express. I just got a pair there :)
I think my legs look enormous in leggings unless I wear like a sweater dress over them. But I've loved them since they came back in style. It's like socially acceptable pj pants.
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