The husband is such a smarty-pants when it comes to wine that he's achieved sommelier status. But I prefer to (lovingly) call him a wine geek.

Anyway, my wine geek came up with the most fantastic idea. He's offering weekly wine appreciation classes at the restaurant for the next 9 weeks. Each week features a different varietal. I missed the introductory class last week but am so excited for tonight's class. Champagne!
So. If you're an Albany local, please join us. I promise you'll have a good time. And maybe even learn something! $35, 6:30pm. Below is the lineup for the next 9 weeks. More info available here. Restaurant info available here. And here.
1/20: “Champagne, not just for breakfast anymore”: This class will offer information on sparkling wines from around the world including Champagne, Spain, California & Australia.
1/27: “Life is a Cabernet”: Learn about the king varietal of reds with expressions of Cabernet from around the world.
2/3: “ABC = Anything But Chardonnay”: Enjoy great white varietals from around the world that are great alternatives to Chardonnay
2/10: “Forgive me father for I have Zinned”: In an depth look at California’s signature juicy, jammy unique varietal.
2/17: “Under a Tuscan sun”: Breaking down and exploring the varietals of Italy’s most famous wine region.
2/24: “The Sideways Effect”: Learning all about Pinot Noir all of the world’s major producing areas.
3/3: “I bless the rains down in Africa”: This class will explore the Southern Hemisphere wine producing countries including South Africa, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand & Australia.
3/10: “Que Syrah, Shiraz”: Enjoy the many faceted sides of Syrah from around the world and appreciate the differences in terroir between the Rhone Valley, Australia & California.
3/24: “The Spanish Inquisition”: Exploring the classic regions and not so classic varietals of Spain.
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