So I had headshots done today for my new career in modeling business cards and website. Once again, my photographer worked his magic, giving me way too many great pics to choose from. As someone who is hyper-critical of how she photographs, that's saying a lot ;)

I managed to narrow the choices for cards and website down to 3 each. Now I need your help to pick the winner in each category. And pick a good one. Don't forget how much I hate my current professional pic. We don't wanna go down that road again...
Let's start with the choices for my business cards:

Now onto the choices for my website.

Call them 1, 2 and 3 in each category. Humor me... tell me what you think. (And feel free to be brutal... I can take it) Please. And thank you.
Remember, I'm crazy and don't know what I'm talking about. I wouldn't listen to me if I were you.
Anyway, for business card I like number 2 for some reason, but I think you only look like you're "really" smiling in number 3. Do you know what I mean. So I might go with 3 because it says "look at me, I'm happy and sell lots of houses".
I like 3 for the website too. I jut think it looks like you're leaning forward in number 1 and I don't like black and white (for not particular reason).
(Do the opposite of what I said. That is your best bet.)
You picked my favorites. I totally can't decide between 2 & 3 for my cards though. I'm going with #3 for my website. Thanks for your opinions :)
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