I conquered a fear today.
A fear that is rather embarrassing to admit.
I'm afraid of the car wash.
Probably not in the way you're thinking though.
I don't mind going through a car wash while someone else is driving.
The crazy-looking contraptions that attack your car don't scare me in the least.
My fear is the driving into the thing that you line your tire up with that takes you through.
Literally driving into it.
I'm so afraid that I'm not going to line up my tires correctly and get yelled at by the minimum wage earning 16 year old who's trying to guide me through.
(This might stem from a Jiffy Lube incident as a young driver that we won't speak of.)
But alas, I have a shiny new car that I would like to keep shiny and new.
And husband bought me a car wash package for Christmas (even though he is VERY aware of my fear).
Something came over me yesterday though. Maybe the dirt build-up on my pretty Jeep was speaking to me?
I sucked it up and drove to the car wash.
This is the point where my heart started pounding. The damn car in front of me was blocking the wheel-line-up thingie! How am I supposed to line my car up if I can't even see it???
I tried to get a picture of it as the car in front was sucked into the wash and it finally popped into view but I WAS TERRIFIED.
Turns out I'm a big baby. Somehow my car lined itself up properly and off I went!
Clean, clean, clean!
Tell me I'm not the only one who has (had?) a completely irrational, embarrassingly ridiculous fear? Please? Anyone?

I have the same fear! When I was little I was just scared of car washes in general. Now, whenever I go I am scared that I am not going to line up properly with the tire thing. My cause wasn't helped when I did F up once and got screamed at. Even when I do enter successfully, I still feel that old nervousness. So yeah, I try to avoid the car wash, which my husband is not happy with. Once he comes home he can take the job away from me!
You just made my day. So glad I'm not the only one! haha
i always have mild anxiety when going to the car wash in that I am somehow going to blow a tire trying to align my car with the track or that somehow, mid-wash, the car will go off track and I will remain stuck in the car wash until the car behind me hits me over and over again.
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